Closings, Beginnings and Purpose
Are we trusting God in every season and embracing His purpose in our lives?
“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered, “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her.” Luke 1:38
There is something about the end of the year that stirs in us to think about beginnings, endings, and purpose.
In this Christmas season, after living in the USA for nearly six years (times flies!), I began to think about our first Christmas here.
It was the first Christmas we were going to spend in our little apartment away from most of our family. It was representing the end of a lifetime, the beginning of another, and I was just holding on to my seat to see what God’s purpose was in this new season of our lives.
In the same way, the story of Mary captures all three: her life as she knew was about to end, a new life she didn’t plan for her was about to begin, and the angel appeared to disclose her new purpose in life.
There are 4 principles in Mary’s story I found in my own also:
1) God gave Mary identity.
Through the angel, He called her highly favored and reminded her that He was with her.
In the same way, as I read through the Scriptures in such confusing times the Lord reminded me over and over that, I was His daughter and He would never abandon or forsake me.
2) The angel told Mary that she didn’t have to be scared.
In the Bible, I also found many times the Lord reminding me I shouldn’t have to be scared either because He was with me.
Just as God provided everything Mary needed to fulfill her purpose, the same way the Lord began providing everything we needed to start making life here. I had a cousin and her family who lived nearby, He placed me in a great church with awesome people who made us feel at home, and provided the job I needed for the moment.
One step at a time He began to put everything in its right place.
When we face shocking and challenging situations we need to remember that God’s grace is upon us.
3) The Lord provided the right company for Mary.
The Lord allowed Mary to spend part of her most vulnerable time while she was pregnant with Elizabeth who was her cousin and friend.
She was able to find comfort in her. The same way, that first Christmas God allowed us to spend it with our cousin, plus my brother and his girlfriend came over to spend the holidays with us.
In one of our most vulnerable times when I thought things were becoming too overwhelming, the Lord sent the right company to remind me we weren’t by ourselves.
4) When God explained to Mary her purpose, she responded to the call immediately.
I aspire to always respond in the same way as Mary. I don’t know if I’m always going to do it right, but I pray to God to give me a tender heart to be joyfully willing to respond when He calls me.
I know this year has been especially hard and difficult in different ways for all of us, but this is the perfect season for us to stop and see how the Lord’s had interceded for us in every difficult situation.
When we feel inadequate to fulfill God’s purpose in our lives for this season – homeschooling, working from home, being part of a ministry, beginning a new ministry – we can’t listen to what the voices in us and around us say we are, we need to pay attention to who the Lord says we are.
We must remember that it’s not because of us that we can accomplish something, rather it’s because of Him that everything is possible.
We will only be satisfied and happy when we start pursuing God’s calling and purpose in our lives.
Let’s look at our new normals with hope knowing that even though some chapters in our lives might be closing and others opening, we have a reason today to be exactly where we are.
Tis’ the season to say “I am the Lord’s servant… May your word to me be fulfilled.”
Image by 11417994 from Pixabay

About the author: Anyeline is a mom to one, lover of Jesus, and enjoys a great cup of coffee. She is originally from the Dominican Republic, but is now a proud U.S. citizen. When visiting our church, you can find her teaching our young adult women or helping out in children’s ministry. She always has a smile and a warm greeting for friends and strangers alike.