Reading Our Bibles Is a no. 1 Habit To Thrive As Christians

I am so grateful to the Lord for introducing to me an amazing group of sweet, wise, and mature women when I became a Christian. These women understood a fundamental truth in the Christian walk: If we want to thrive as Christians, we must know our Bibles.

They took me under their wings and welcomed me to the Bible study they had every Monday afternoon. I was so amazed to see women between the age of 40 to70 years old being so in love with the Word of God. Each one of them showed interest in what the Bible had to say.

I admired our teacher, Olga Robles, who also taught our Sunday school class; she prepared the most profound  Bible lessons to share with us.

Because my son and I were moving to the USA, I didn’t stay long at that church. But during that short time, we studied the books of James and Isaiah between others. The woman didn’t get easily intimidated!

After nearly seven years of trusting Christ as my Savior, thanks to the foundation those ladies laid before me, I can say that it is vital for us to read the Bible consistently if we want to know God and know ourselves. Doing so will help us thrive as Christians.

 The Bible is the Word of God 2 Tim 3:16-17. Through it, He reveals Himself to us. If we want to know what it is the character of God and how He interacts with His people, we must read this book.

In it, we will also discover our true identity. God is our Creator, and no one knows us better than Him. I am a fan of books that helps us understand our behaviors and how culture influences our thoughts and beliefs. However, these books should be as a complementary reading, never to replace the Bible. We can only find our true essence and definition in there.

 After we get to know God more and understand our nature, we can learn to love God.

It might sound crazy, but we don’t fall in love with God right away just because we become Christians. We need to spend time with Him through His Word if we want to truly love Him.

Even though trusting Christ as our Savior is the most important decision in our lives, it is only the beginning of a journey to nurture a relationship with God.

If you think about it, when two people are getting married, after the wedding is over they don’t say, “well, this wedding was very nice, I’ll see you one of these days.” The reality is that the whole point in getting married is to spend their lives together. Moreover, any married couple will say that it wasn’t until they got married that they got to know and love each other. Intimacy is the key to know and love a person – including God.

Also, if we read the Bible, we will be aware of the spiritual war around us 2 Corinthians 10 4-5 Ephesians 6:10,11.

It is easy for us to get so involved in our daily routines that we forget there is a real spiritual war going on – maybe even in the same room we are right now.

We forget who it is our enemy, and that is exactly what the devil wants.

Because if we forget there is a war going on, we won’t be watchful and intentionally training our brains and hearts for the enemy’s attack. It will come suddenly, and it will knock us out because we didn’t see it coming.

If we want to live a victorious life, we better take our Bibles seriously John 8:32. If we desire to give our children an opportunity of thriving as Christians in the world, we better start reading our Bibles to them and with them.

As we can see, neglecting our Bibles is a luxury we can’t afford. Reading it is crucial for the victory in our lives and our loved ones.

I challenge you today to be like those ladies who discipled me – Courageous, rooted in the word of God.

I know we are living in such hectic times, and it is very difficult to find the right moment. However, if we are honest, we make time for the things that are a priority in our lives.

I invite you to make the Word of God a priority and spend some time with it today.

About the author: Anyeline is a mom to one, lover of Jesus, and enjoys a great cup of coffee. She is originally from the Dominican Republic, but is now a proud U.S. citizen. When visiting our church, you can find her teaching our young adult women or helping out in children’s ministry. She always has a smile and a warm greeting for friends and strangers alike.